All the nice things to eat make you fat.
Exercising your dog like a demon for an hour every day makes him far less of a demon the other 23.
A well behaved polite and friendly dog will still be adored by your friends even if he’s ugly.
An ill mannered dog who is a pain in the ass to be around will be thought ugly by your friends, no matter how good looking he is.
Everything savory in the fridge can be greatly improved by a tub of queso cheese.
Your food always looks better to your dog than his own…..
The higher the meat content in your dogs bowl, the stiffer the poop.
Dogs need good friends, just like we do……..
Everybody’s personality is far more riveting when you add a splash of tequila.
You can deftly end any boring phone conversation by loudly screaming ‘No, No…Oh My G……….!’ (I do it all the time….)
Poop within half a mile will end up on my boots.
Celery is boring and must be banned as unfit for human consumption.
Johnny Depp doesnt really want a rail thin stick insect for a wife…hes a secret chubby chaser. I just know it!
Dogs can tell the difference between chuck and filet mignon.
The best friends in life to have are not the ones who laugh at your jokes… they’re the ones who tell you when you re not really very funny.
Its hard for my kids to live up to my dogs…but they’re trying, bless ’em!
Now penny….do I need to remind you that using the term-“bless them” is not a good phrase to have someone say to you in the south. Here is just a little refresher course in 3 common southern sayings. They seem kind enough-but let me translate for you:
1. “Bless your heart” really means-“you are stupid you poor thing.”
2. “I am going to put you on the prayer list” translates to- “I am not happy with what you have done so I am going to let everybody know.” (Note to reader: I truly beileve in sincere prayer, but you don’t have to ANNOUNCE to someone you will put them on a list-rather just pray forthem. God already knows anyhow.)
3. “I got your back” doesn’t REALLY mean that the person will protect you or stand up with you. It typically and almost always is a clue that person will or already has betrayed your trust and more than likely is looking to insert the stab in your back when opportunity knocks. You usually don’t see it coming the first time it happens. Just know-if you hear those words-keep an eye over your shoulder!
Thank goodness dogs can’t talk! But-thank goodness you do! Thanks for sharing your advice.
IF I had your back I would end by saying-“Bless your heart and I’ll put you on the prayer list!” Instead I will just say, “Luke loves you and for good reason! Thanks!”
And now you know why I ADORE you dont you? My crack me up!