by Dorian Straszewski | Mar 11, 2013 | The Dogs Honest Truth
There are lots of books and articles out there from all kinds of experts with degrees and doctorates coming out of the wazoo that strive to debunk the ‘Alpha Myth’, as they call it. Unlike lots of dog trainers, (of which I am not one, I purely counsel on...
by Dorian Straszewski | Mar 7, 2013 | The Dogs Honest Truth
When I posted the article last week ‘A House Divided’, I received a whole bunch of emails and facebook messages from people asking me how to stop a dog fight. I have 1500 people subscribe to my blog and I think almost every one of those people wanted this...
by Dorian Straszewski | Mar 4, 2013 | The Dogs Honest Truth
A few of you wondered why Poor Jazz had a bandage on her leg this week and I wanted to share this story with you. Jazz’s mum, Lori, first came out to the Ranch a few weeks ago and we did our usual evaluation, where for an hour or so we chatted about Jazz, her...